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Separating Personal Goodwill in a Corporation Sale

A sale of a corporation under an asset sale arrangement should be carefully planned to establish the personal goodwill that may exist and if it is being sold in a “separate transaction” apart from the sale of the assets of the corporation. This is particularly true where a closely-held C corporation’s transaction deal is structured… Continue >>>

Creating a Reliable Buy-Sell Agreement

A buy-sell agreement can be an important tool in smoothing any business ownership transition, whether the aim is to maintain control, provide liquidity and a ready market for the stock, retain key employees or ensure an orderly ownership transfer in the case of death, disability or divorce. Of course, it’s important to decide how to… Continue >>>

Goodwill and its Importance to the Business

What exactly does the term “goodwill” mean when it comes to buying or selling a business? Usually, the term “goodwill” is a reference to all the effort that an individual(s) puts into a business over the years that he or she has operated that business. In a sense, goodwill is the difference between an array… Continue >>>

EBITDA Adjustments

At least weekly we are asked to look through a valuation report, and find ourselves saying, “what in the world…?” Most often, the document supplied to us for review, cites earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) with adjustments to historical financial information. Adjustments can be perfectly acceptable, as owners run excess personal expenses… Continue >>>

Tax Reform & Reasonable Compensation

The Tax Cut and Jobs Act (TCJA) contains a provision for reasonable compensation as defined in IRS Code Section 162. Reasonable compensation has always been an important issue in business valuation, but the TCJA has put a much brighter spotlight on the matter, which will be closer scrutinized starting in 2018. There is a new… Continue >>>

Startup Valuation Assignments

Startup type businesses get valued at various stages in their evolution. The key point here is startups need to undergo a series of valuation exercises at regular intervals; and the exercise is typically performed with limited financial data being available for the appraiser to use (with limited data being the norm). There are many approaches… Continue >>>

Three Aspects of a Business Valuation Professional

This is a good time to reflect on three important and misunderstood aspects of the role of the valuation professional: The valuation professional. The nature of the finding. How are the findings used. Role of the Professional: Valuation professionals may act as either an “appraiser” or “consultant” – but not both in a single engagement.… Continue >>>

Valuation & Business Concentrations

Webster’s dictionary defines “concentration” as the act or process of concentrating, especially the fixing of close, undivided attention. In business valuation context, it is assessing a company’s risk profile and financial outlook. The presence of substantial concentrations (i.e., risks) frequently results in a lower value, than what otherwise might be expected. Concentrations, from a conceptual… Continue >>>

When an EBITDA Valuation Multiple Doesn’t Work

Many business owner’s when they want to sell their business, often read about an EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization) valuation multiples. But when they’re questioned further, what they really mean is they want to sell for a higher EBITDA valuation multiple than discussed in the industry journals. Here, I will identify occurrences… Continue >>>

Common Questions regarding Business Valuation

What is the process to complete a business valuation? Valuing a privately held business is not an exact science. To do it accurately requires experience and the ability to examine all the risk factors and value drivers involved. A business valuation typically takes three to five weeks to complete, depending on the size and scope… Continue >>>

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