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Top Five EBITDA Adjustments

Top Five EBITDA Adjustments Oftentimes, earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) are used as a proxy for a firm’s operating cash flow. While EBITDA can be interpreted in different ways, this type of earnings stream can be used to produce a value for a business or business interest by the application of a… Continue >>>

Benchmarking (adding value)

Assessing risk is a crucial part of valuing a closely-held business. Business appraisers use risk assessments in the income approach to estimate rates of return (discount rates) and in the market approach to select valuation multiples. All else being equal, the higher a company’s risk, the lower its value, conversely lower risk (value drivers) increases… Continue >>>

Startup Valuation Assignments

Startup type businesses get valued at various stages in their evolution. The key point here is startups need to undergo a series of valuation exercises at regular intervals; and the exercise is typically performed with limited financial data being available for the appraiser to use (with limited data being the norm). There are many approaches… Continue >>>

IRS Estate Audits

The Federal estate tax is a tax on the transfer property at death. It is applied to estates for which at-death gross assets, the “gross estate”, exceeds the filing threshold. Included in the gross estate are real estate, cash, stocks, bonds, businesses, and decedent-owned life insurance policies. Deductions are allowed for administrative expenses, indebtedness, taxes,… Continue >>>

Is there a Doctor or Appraiser in the House?

Over the years, we at American Business Appraisers have come to appreciate the many similarities between the practices of medicine and business appraisal: Both involve science – careful, systematic observation and gathering of facts, Application of proven theories, Both involve art – the use of informed, reasoned judgments based on experience and training, Both physicians… Continue >>>

Three Aspects of a Business Valuation Professional

This is a good time to reflect on three important and misunderstood aspects of the role of the valuation professional: The valuation professional. The nature of the finding. How are the findings used. Role of the Professional: Valuation professionals may act as either an “appraiser” or “consultant” – but not both in a single engagement.… Continue >>>

Reasonable Compensation Guidance

Adjustments for reasonable or replacement compensation – whether in corporate practice or when conducting a business valuation can be one of the most difficult adjustments to quantify. There are numerous factors that should be considered when adjusting compensation levels. Oftentimes, American Business Appraisers find an individual’s, whether they are the owner or principle within the… Continue >>>

Doubling Company Value

Editors Note: As we begin using our new e-newsletter system, to ensure you’ll continue to receive the e-newsletter, please take a moment to update your email address at and select from the left column subscribe to ABA’s e-newsletter. Critical Planning Steps What immediate steps can be taken to help double a company’s value? The… Continue >>>

Common Questions regarding Business Valuation

What is the process to complete a business valuation? Valuing a privately held business is not an exact science. To do it accurately requires experience and the ability to examine all the risk factors and value drivers involved. A business valuation typically takes three to five weeks to complete, depending on the size and scope… Continue >>>

Three Key Factors in Business Valuation

The three key factors are profitability, growth and risk. Profitability, or more specifically, anticipated benefits will be the most important consideration by investors (i. e., buyers). Anticipated benefits will consider such items as the nature, capital structure, and historical performance. Growth considerations are generally the expected growth in earnings, along with the anticipated outlook for… Continue >>>

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