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Price versus Value

In finance, we use words like price and value, as if they were interchangeable. I have been guilty of this myself at times. It is worth noting, price and value not only come from different processes, but are determined by different variables and yield different numbers at the same point in time. The essence of… Continue >>>

Doubling Company Value

Editors Note: As we begin using our new e-newsletter system, to ensure you’ll continue to receive the e-newsletter, please take a moment to update your email address at and select from the left column subscribe to ABA’s e-newsletter. Critical Planning Steps What immediate steps can be taken to help double a company’s value? The… Continue >>>

How to Benchmark the Value of a Business

What is a reasonable selling price for a business? This is a question that arises for many business owners and others interested in pricing a business. To some degree, every business is unique and therefore, no one-size-fits-all valuation formula works for all businesses or for a particular industry. For example, sometimes a dentist may hear… Continue >>>

Looking Beyond Cash Flow to Build Company Value

A value-minded owner should search for ways to lower the company’s perceived risks to potential buyers or investors by: Creating a formal business plan. Forecasts and projections facilitate due diligence and demonstrate management depth. But buyers might critique a seller’s business plan and modify them with their own assumptions. Budgeted and actual results should be… Continue >>>

Three Aspects of a Business Valuation Professional

This is a good time to reflect on three important and misunderstood aspects of the role of the valuation professional: The valuation professional. The nature of the finding. How are the findings used. Role of the Professional: Valuation professionals may act as either an “appraiser” or “consultant” – but not both in a single engagement.… Continue >>>

Valuation & Business Concentrations

Webster’s dictionary defines “concentration” as the act or process of concentrating, especially the fixing of close, undivided attention. In business valuation context, it is assessing a company’s risk profile and financial outlook. The presence of substantial concentrations (i.e., risks) frequently results in a lower value, than what otherwise might be expected. Concentrations, from a conceptual… Continue >>>

FAQ’s About Key Person Consideration

Virtually every business has centralized management and/or relies on the talents of a few individuals. This risk of centralized management is taken into account for business valuation purposes in the company’s future earnings or rate of return (i.e., discount rate). In some cases, however, one person is the linchpin, and if he or she leaves… Continue >>>

Importance of Business Valuations before Retirement

Most business owners know that planning for retirement is crucial. However, according to Entrepreneur magazine, very few business owners are aware of the true value they have. Many have not taken the necessary steps to receive an accurate business valuation well before considering retiring. This makes it somewhat difficult to ensure they receive adequate value… Continue >>>

Reasonable Compensation Guidance

Adjustments for reasonable or replacement compensation – whether in corporate practice or when conducting a business valuation can be one of the most difficult adjustments to quantify. There are numerous factors that should be considered when adjusting compensation levels. Oftentimes, American Business Appraisers find an individual’s, whether they are the owner or principle within the… Continue >>>

When an EBITDA Valuation Multiple Doesn’t Work

Many business owner’s when they want to sell their business, often read about an EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization) valuation multiples. But when they’re questioned further, what they really mean is they want to sell for a higher EBITDA valuation multiple than discussed in the industry journals. Here, I will identify occurrences… Continue >>>

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